Woodland, CA Family Orthodontist
Hours: Mon - Thu 8:30am - 5:00pm Fri - By Appointment

About iCat® CBCT Cone Beam Scan

Portalupi Orthodontics now offers an exciting new technology for our patients!

This technology is iCat® Cone Beam Computer Assembled Tomography (CBCT) imaging, sometimes called 3-D radiographs or x-rays.  Using CBCT means we now have the ability to take 3-D images of the teeth, jaws, bones and facial structures at lower costs and with less energy than a typical CT scan used in hospitals.  3-D imaging provides us the opportunity of improved diagnosis for our patients, especially in cases of impacted teeth, dental implants, surgical treatment, as well as more complex cases.

Understandably you may have questions about exposure to these types of x-rays.  Here are some facts you should know about 3-D imaging.  An iCat® CBCT @ 8.5 seconds) exposure is:

  • About 1/2 as much as a full series of digital dental images.
  • About 1/5 as much as a full (28) mouth series of standard dental x-rays.
  • About 1/70 as much as a typical medical CT scan.
  • About as much as a cross country airplane trip.

CBCT therefore offers our patients enhanced diagnostic value at significantly reduced exposure.  At the same time, CBCT scans can image the entire head and most of the neck.  As dentist and orthodontists, we evaluate teeth, jaws and surrounding supporting bone using CBCTs for those limited purposes.  Our training and dental license does not provide for evaluating and diagnosing outside those areas.  However since CBCT imaging can cover a broader area, we want to offer you the opportunity to have your CBCT scan read by an oral radiologist, trained and licensed to evaluate and diagnose a broader area.  CBCT may show evidence of disease of the cervical spine, skull or arteries.  We can refer you to a radiology group for this purpose.

Please type your initials in the applicable section and sign the acknowledgement below.

  • Yes, I want to have my iCat® CBCT scan done today along with my complimentary evaluation.
  • Yes, I want to have my iCat® CBCT scan done today and sent out to be read by an oral radiologist and understand I am responsible for the additional costs. The cost is $125.00. (Paid to Portalupi Orthodontics)
  • No, I do not want to have my iCat® CBCT scan done today. I understand that a complete and thorough examination cannot be done unless a scan is collected. I acknowledge a scan may need to be done before proceeding into orthodontic treatment
  • Signature of Responsible Party
    Clear Signature
  • Signature of Witness
    Clear Signature
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