The Affordability of Orthodontics

Once upon a time, orthodontic treatment was available only to the wealthy. After all, in the 1930’s braces cost as much as a HOUSE! In the 1940’s braces cost as much as a Cadillac! Can you image how many people could not afford necessary treatment today at prices comparable to those of the past? Today […]
iTero® Digital Impression System

Conventional vs Digital Impressions No more goop, gagging, or discomfort. Using an iTero scanner, your orthodontist can take a highly accurate digital impression of your teeth and jaw. The new technology completely eliminates the tray and putty impressions, where the experience is comparable to stuffing a big wad of gum in your mouth. The old […]
Top 5 Surgical Orthodontics Questions Answered

Surgical orthodontics, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a type of orthodontic treatment used to correct severe cases that include bad bites, jaw bone abnormalities, and malocclusion. Oral and maxillofacial surgery is one of the nine recognized dental specialties, and it focuses on treating complex craniofacial cases that involve the mouth, jaw, face, and skull. […]
Mouthguards: Which Type is Right for You?

Protecting your smile while playing sports is essential when you have braces. Mouthguards help protect your teeth and gums from injury. If you participate in basketball, boxing, hockey, football, gymnastics, lacrosse, martial arts, racquetball, rugby, track and field, skateboarding, skiing and snowboarding, skydiving, soccer, surfing, volleyball, water polo, weightlifting, or wrestling, it is recommended by […]