Look Who Is Wearing Braces

In a previous article I talked about the advantages of early orthodontic treatment. At early ages (4-8 years of age) we have the ability to influence the growth of the jaws in a positive manner; to treat without removal of permanent teeth the vast majority of time; to obtain beautiful facial profiles; and to develop […]
Early Treatment

In the article “Orthodontics…What Age?” I discuss the benefits of early or Two Phase Orthodontic treatment. Usually, early treatment involves obtaining necessary diagnostic records such as models of teeth, photographs and growth analysis. Predictions can be made regarding nose, upper and lower jaws and chin. The analysis tells us what will happen to the face—both […]
Orthodontics… What Age?

Amazing advances in technology have brought the profession of orthodontics (braces) to a new age. No longer is treatment limited to teenagers but is available to adults of all ages and to children very early in their life. It is the early treatment stage that I would like to discuss. For many years, orthodontists waited […]
The Affordability of Orthodontics

Once upon a time, orthodontic treatment was available only to the wealthy. After all, in the 1930’s braces cost as much as a HOUSE! In the 1940’s braces cost as much as a Cadillac! Can you image how many people could not afford necessary treatment today at prices comparable to those of the past? Today […]
Treating Patients with TMJ Complaints

Orthodontics and TMJ Therapy for Children, Adults, and Teens Since so many of my dentist colleagues prefer to not treat TMJ patients, I am now accepting referrals for patients with TMJ complaints in addition to orthodontic cases, (TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, the jaw joint in front of your ears). I started studying TMJ Disorders […]